Yuni Jung

BLUE Plus 

(Medical Mobile Application)


Adobe Illustrator

Adobe XD


Engaging in a manifestation of design that resonates with purpose, I undertook a distinctive initiative as part of my freelancing portfolio. Witnessing a pervasive reality encompassing not only acquaintances but also close relatives grappling with the persistent aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, I felt compelled to channel my design acumen into a constructive direction. Despite the prevailing sentiment that the pandemic's fervor has abated over the course of nearly two years, a substantial cohort remains ensnared in the labyrinthine continuum of post-COVID repercussions. To address this enduring conundrum, I embarked on the creation of an informed medical design, strategically tailored to cast a spotlight on the intricate terrain of post COVID conditions.

Throughout meticulous research and exploration, a discernible pattern crystallized—a multitude of post COVID-19 conditions seamlessly intersects with the domain of primary care providers. Thus, the inception of the Blue Plus association materialized as a conduit for disseminating holistic insights. Within its architectural framework, a rich tapestry of information converges, unfurling a comprehensive narrative that intricately dissects diagnosis, methodical assessment, and adept care strategies intricately woven into the fabric of post COVID symptoms. This design endeavor stands as a beacon, guiding toward enlightened comprehension, bridging the chasm of knowledge, and fostering a more comprehensive approach to effectively navigate the sustained complexities brought about by the pandemic's enduring wake.







Informative Symptom Brochures 

Enclosed herein are a series of meticulously crafted informative brochures, each meticulously curated to elucidate four salient manifestations emblematic of Post-COVID conditions. Within this collection, every individual brochure serves as a comprehensive exposition, delineating a specific symptom along with its nuanced intricacies and corresponding care methodologies. These brochures stand as a testament to the meticulous attention devoted to distilling complex medical information into accessible and actionable insights, thus serving as a valuable resource for both healthcare professionals and individuals navigating the intricate landscape of post-COVID ramifications.



Other Projects

Contents Design
Editorial Design
Title Sequence
Mobile Calendar App
Using Format